Новости епархии (английский)
Archbishop’s service on the day of the first patronal feast of the monastery in honor of St. Anthony the Great

Новости епархии (английский)
Service of the Ruling Archbishop on the Day of Worship of the Chains of Apostle Peter

Новости епархии (английский)
The service of the Ruling Archbishop on the Sunday after Epiphany in Cheongju

Новости епархии (английский)
The service of the Ruling Archbishop on the day of memory of Martyr Tatiana of Rome in Incheon

Новости епархии (английский)
Archbishop’s service on the feast of the Synaxis of John the Baptist

Новости епархии (английский)
The Korean Diocese Celebrated the Bright Feast of the Epiphany

Новости епархии (английский)
The Ruling Archbishop’s Service on the Eve of the Epiphany of the Lord in Gyeongju

Новости епархии (английский)
Archbishop’s service on the day of remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Новости епархии (английский)